Welcome to the esteemed Gentlemen of Heart Awards (GOHA), hosted in an awe-inspiring venue yearly. This prestigious award ceremony serves as a critical juncture to convene and recognize exceptional contributions within local and global contexts across various domains, including intellectual advancement, leadership efficacy, business acumen, innovation, creativity, humanitarian action, and philanthropic initiatives. The event underscores the significant achievements of organizations and individuals that have made a measurable impact on society. Each year, GOHA assembles a diverse cohort of distinguished men from around the world—individuals who have made substantial strides toward creating a more inclusive, empowered, and harmonious global environment. Their collective efforts are a testament to a vision of society where every individual is recognized, respected, and celebrated for their unique contributions. What distinguishes the Gentlemen of Heart Awards is its core emphasis on the principles of generosity, positivity, equality, humility, integrity, and a deep appreciation for diversity. This annual celebration evolves into an extraordinary occasion, showcasing the narratives of true icons and unsung heroes while emphasizing the tenacity and dedication of those who tirelessly instill hope and inspiration in future generations. GOHA prides itself on executing a rigorous selection process for awardees, grounded in evidence-based assessments and comprehensive evaluations of candidates' contributions and impact. This methodology ensures that recognized figures exemplify the values of altruism and compassion, reflecting their substantial contributions to societal development. Introducing these principles into the Global markets accentuates the significance of tourism and hospitality as vehicles for awareness and transformation. It highlights the critical role of kindness and compassion in driving positive societal change at both local and global scales. Our awardees span a broad spectrum of backgrounds, each demonstrating exemplary qualities and a commendable sense of humility in their pursuit of excellence. As leaders and innovators, they set benchmarks for superior standards, paving the way for a more equitable and dynamic global community imbued with unity, diversity, peace, and love. The evening is structured to be not only captivating but also inclusive, welcoming participants from diverse backgrounds who have made notable contributions to society. Our objective is to foster an environment where everyone feels valued and recognized, nurturing a culture of excellence characterized by exceptional positivity and vibrancy.
The Gentlemen of Heart Awards was founded and created by Her Excellency Dr Desziree Richardson, the creator and founder of Women of Heart Awards WOHA 88 London.
The greater his heart, the greater he can become, the greater his kingdom, the greater his people, the greater the world, the greater the society, the greater his children and the greater the next generation.
To lead with love is leading with greatness.
I dreamt of a night where the energy of cosmic love, diversity and unity radiates in the most serene setting.
─ Desziree Richardson